India, and other excuses

Posted: January 25, 2011 in Articles, The Sidebar Review
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So, I have not posted a blog in ages. I come to you ashamed of myself. Let me be clear: I have thought about blogging a lot. But the sitting down and the doing of it have not come easy.

I wrote several blog posts in my head during my recent trip to India. One thing I really wanted to do while I was there for my sister’s wedding was check out the magazines on the other side of the world to see how they are different. I also thought that during the 44-or-so hours of flight time spread over a two-week period that I would read lots of new magazines, form opinions of them, and write down my thoughts to post later. I even loaded the WordPress app on my iPad so that I could actually post if I wanted to during the trip.

As it turns out, I was way too involved in curry, saris, shoe shopping, jet lag, ice cream, earrings, palaces, poverty, traffic, cows and Hindu temples to actually produce anything for or about The Sidebar Review.

I did pick up several magazines while I was there and I did make a few observations. In the meantime, I accumulated several new American magazines at home that I also must review soon before they’re entirely too outdated for anyone to care about. So, I will get on those. Here, for your viewing pleasure (and so you don’t think I’m making this up), are a few of the memories I made with my husband, my sister and my brother-in-law. I will get back to the magazines promptly!

  1. flyinggma says:

    Oh how exciting! I’ve missed reading your posts but you are forgiven! The pictures are wonderful and memories even more so for sure. Wow two bloggers in India recently for weddings. Maybe I can set up an arranged marriage for one of my four kids so I can go there.

  2. Great pics! I can’t wait to hear what you have to say about Indian journalism! I was in Mumbai and south India in December–did our paths cross?

  3. Thanks, glad you enjoyed!

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